that goes terribly wrong!
Don't you think? I mean, just as things start to go really well and you begin to believe that life is perfect - you get a freak rash on your leg and end up spending hundreds of dollars in Dr's bills trying to figure out what it is, but after seeing several Dr's and putting up with the itchiest rash known to man for almost two months, and after taking several different medications that seem to make no changes, you put up with both a biopsy and a patch test (devilish test, it's like wearing a plastic bag on your back that itches incessantly and the only comfort you have is that no one will come near you and your grouchy itchiness because you stink too bad from not showering)and you still have no apparent answer...although the rash does seem to have taken the hint that it was unwanted and is slowly, yet surely, relenting. THAT, folks, is my motion picture gone awry.
In other news, I went through my pictures and found some good ones that I haven't gotten around to posting yet, so sit back and enjoy the good part of the show!
Clay earned his Bear the beginning of this summer, but didn't receive it until Pack Meeting in was a long wait, but he worked really hard for it and we're very proud of him!
The kids have really been into Legos since this summer. They collaborated on this house (which had several additions and changes during it's construction) and they did a great job. I mean, tub, toilet, sinks, microwave, oven, couch, beds, etc... It's a pretty nice pad!
Ali and Jack on the first day of school. Jack didn't start until mid September, but he wanted to participate in the picture taking when the other kids had their first day.
Clayton was asked to help with the Flag Ceremony at the back to school morning. He got to carry and post the colors. He did a great job and looked very handsome in this Scout uniform (which he insisted I sew all the patches on that he'd accumulated over the summer but had procrastinated attaching until the night before).
Quin and Ali girl at Back to School Morning.
And what post would be complete without pictures of adorable Maxo?! Man I love this kid.
Yay yay yay for an update! I hope the rash thing has an answer super soon. Loved the pics.
Max is getting so big!!! Hope you are all doing well besides the rash!! Hope you feel better
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