Today I am officially out of my twenties. It wasn't all that difficult (apparently motherhood makes you age faster), so now that I'm finally 'old' I can say I've felt that way for nearly a decade and it's about darn time my body caught up with the rest of me! (Might I just take a moment to add that 30 is NOT old...70, maybe you could consider that 'old', but 30 is definitely NOT old...and the older I get the higher that number will get, just an FYI).
Joe left me with the kids for my birthday, he thought I would really like some one-on-one time with our cherubs and so he took a business trip to Seattle for three days...what a thoughtful husband!
So, after a fabulous time at the Dr's office, yup today was my yearly physical - and in case you were wondering, I am just that lucky. In good news, I was declared 'healthy as a horse' (no, the Dr did not actually tell me that, but the point is that he also didn't tell me I was on deaths door and I choose to interpret that as 'fit as a fiddle' or whatever trite saying you'd like to substitute for I'm not dead yet)! The nurse who was there (who made my year) said I didn't look old enough to have 5 kids (why thank you!!), which prompted the Dr to ask how old I was and I told him it was my 30th birthday (I'm sure at that point the nurse's suspicions that I was plain CRAZY where confirmed)...she's probably right!?!
At any rate, we are doing good and so far it hasn't been too shabby of a day, especially for a Monday! All I know is my phone hasn't stopped beeping at me all day long. Every other second I get a phone call, text or facebook msg from someone sending me happy birthday wishes...I could just kiss you all!!! Nothing makes a persons day happier than knowing there are so many wonderful people out there thinking of you! So, I would just like to tell each of you THANK YOU for loving me so much and for being such wonderful and supportive family/friends. You make this life so much better and I love being a part of each of your lives, in whatever capacity I'm able to do so. I hope I have touched each of you in some way and that I'm able to pay forward the happiness you've brought to me today!
well Audri, you really do look freakin AMAZING for having 5 kids! I think we can all only hope to look that great. :) Happy Birthday!
I have a theory. Which I've devised between you and my mom, she had 6 within 10 years.. I think she was 32 when Curtis was born, but my theory is that having that many kids keeps you in shape. Tons of exercise and cardio to keep up with all those little ones. I look at is as God's thank you blessing for being willing to raise so many of his angels.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
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