Monday, July 21, 2008


This is a shout out to my super fabulous husband whom I love and adore! He is the very best husband, father and friend a girl could ask for! I went through a bunch of the old photos and added a few I liked...enjoy!!!

Look at those impressive muscles, age 3.

Joe and his cow, Yoda. Age 3.

"Giddy-Up, sheep!" Joe at age 3. (Check out those pants)!!

Camo man in his fort, age 11.

Joe at Christmas, age 4.

Joe getting a little early drivers education, age 2.

Joe on the farm, about age 6.

Check out those awesome head phones, age 4.

Joe's sixth birthday, is anyone surprised?

Joe fishing, age 11.

The best daddy award!! I love his smile (oh, and Jack's too)!!! Feel the love...

The best husband award! I'm one lucky lady!

We are so happy to have such a wonderful man in our lives! We hope you have a great birthday!!!!


Phillip and Maggi said...

Joe was actually a really cute kid!We hope he has/had a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Hot Stuff!


King Family said...

Wow, some of those pictures could almost be's amazing!

Alli said...

Those are some adorable pictures! His boys look like him.

the fellers said...

Happy Birthday....I cant believe how much your kids look like he did! it is so fun to see that!