Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dancing Queen...

The past few weeks the kids, Ben and I have been watching 'So You Think You Can Dance' before bedtime. Ali has found the show especially inspirational. While one of the dancers was doing her solo Ali started busting her own moves, attempting to mimic the dancer. It was HILARIOUS!!! Ben and I were laughing (silently of course) so hard! It was great. The best part was at the end of one of the dances the girl did the splits, well Ali couldn't be out done and she did them to (or attempted to), it was quite the show. Tragically, I ended the video just before she went into her splits, and so I can't share it with you was priceless though, just ask Ben!!!

Here is one of the videos. It's pretty dark, but the lights were off and it was after 8pm. Sorry about that...I hadn't been planning on her preforming or I would have created better lighting...I'll keep it in mind for next time though!

(I think my favorite part was when she went down and did the little side flip thing...not really sure what that was, but FUNNY!!! Also, notice the Barbie Doll waving around in her hand...she is SOOO girl.)

That's about it, so here is Jacko saying, "Bye, bye!"....until next time folks!


Alli said...

I can't believe you hit a trax train...I'm not laughing...:D

That video of Ali is awesome! Time to throw her into dance lessons!

MiandMiksmom said...

So cute, and I love the pictures of your hubby for his birthday!