(Before I begin this post I would like to clarify, for the sake of Ebay and any of the innocent people who may be employed by Ebay, I am not mad at Ebay itself. This post is meant to describe my own personal experiences and negative feelings associated with a specific seller on ebay, who, again for the sake of any innocent individuals, shall remain nameless.)
I am SOOOOO mad right now, although writing that little disclaimer above took a bit of the steam out of me...it's difficult to stay really angry and try to protect the innocent (who are so closely associated with the guilty) at the same time.
[deep breaths]
So, in June my husband used my ebay account to purchase an engine for his dirt bike. Fine, dandy, no big deal. Or so you would think.
I made the payment two days after the auction closed through my paypal account. The payment was withdrawn from my bank account, deposited in the paypal account and left all in the same day. The engine was delivered over two weeks later while we were gone in CO. When we got home, the engine (which claimed to be crack free) had leaked oil all over my front porch and driveway...I'm talking ALL OVER!!! Not only did the darn thing have a huge crack, which someone had tried to fix up with JB Weld, the JB Weld was falling off and the engine was leaking. To top things off, it wasn't the year they had claimed it to be. So, I now have a leaky, piece of crap engine, that's the wrong year, pissing oil all over my garage.
If that's not enough to bunch up your knickers, I received an email yesterday from Ebay, who seems to be attempting to play mediator in all of this, saying the seller had not yet received payment for the engine and they were prepared to file a claim against me.
WHAT THE @#%$*^&?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I responded politely saying the payment was made through Paypal in June. The funds had indeed left my account, in June, and I even included part of the Paypal statement showing the transaction had been completed, in June. I very politely said I was happy to show further proof of payment, I was sorry for the misunderstanding and hopefully everything would be quietly resolved.
Today I received another email from Ebay (I'm beginning to REALLY HATE emails from Ebay) saying I had been given and Unpaid Item Strike for failure to pay for my auction.
(Let me just say here, I am a very nice person, most of the time. It takes a lot to really get me worked up, most of the time. And yet this IDIOT has managed to get me absolutely LIVID!!!!!!! This seller is truly making me miserable.)
I went back to the dispute on my ebay account and saw that the dispute had been closed by the seller today and "The seller has ended this communication and filed for a Final Value Fee credit". What the crap does this mean, "Final Value Fee Credit"?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
This seller has chosen to be a complete jerk and ended communication. WHY?!?!? I MADE THE FREAKIN' PAYMENT!!!! I am so darn mad. So darn stinking mad.
Needless to say, I have appealed the Item Strike and sent Ebay a copy of the Paypal transaction and I told them of my experience with this STUPID, STUPID seller.
I am hoping Ebay will help resolve things, and quickly.
So, riddle me this:
What is wrong with people? Why do some people feel justified in misleading and deceiving people? How do people live with themselves when they are knowingly abusing the innocent, taking advantage of others? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!?!?
I sometimes feel as though there is so little good left in the world. Why does the world seem so black some times? Why can't people just treat others how they would like to be treated? Would this seller appreciate someone making false accusations against them? Would they welcome the opportunity to have their good name smeared and maligned without any provocation on their part? A part of me would love to spit in their eye right now...does this make me a bad person too?
A part of me is still really hoping this is just a miscommunication...a big, stupid, unavoidable miscommunication. If not, I really will think seriously about spitting in someone's eye...
That is unbelievable...you should be fighting for your money back and they are fighting saying you didn't pay!!!! I've had some bad experiences with Ebay too and have given up on it, especially with anything expensive. Can you get your money back????
My sister had a bad experience with Ebay and stuff too...it actually turned into a fraud and identity problem. Michael has also received things that people claim are one thing and you can TOTALLY tell they aren't. I would say avoid Ebay.
Don't you just hate being so nice sometimes...I know the feeling. Where have all the considerate people gone?!
And I love the description of your pissing motor.
I only wish. Since they claim to 'never have received payment' there is no way for me to get it back.
The best part is I checked my feedback yesterday and the jerk gave me this super RUDE feedback, warning off all potential sellers from letting me bid! Go figure. I checked his feeback and he had FIVE negative feeback, just on the FIRST PAGE!!! A real loser, not only that, he had replied to almost every one of them and pretty much cursed and condemned the buyers to perdition, cuss words and all! What a peach, huh?!?!
Next time, if there is one, I'll be thoroughly investigating the feedback BEFORE purchasing from a seller.
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