Wednesday, February 09, 2011


If any of you follow facebook you'll already know that it's been a real party in the Ence household this week.

In spite of all that has been happening, I feel extremely blessed to be the mother of such great kids. They really do make it better, even when all under the weather.

Yesterday Max came up to me while I was stoking the fire and leaned up against my shoulder. He turned his head like he was going to give me a kiss and when I went in for it - [cough, cough] - right in my face. Yum. He then tried to give me the kiss I had been expecting, but I was laughing too hard to get it. Silly boy. At least it wasn't throw up. Clay did that once when he was Max's age. I'll take a cough in the face any day over throw up in the face (and mouth)...that was gross.

While we were at the pharmacy yesterday waiting for a RX refill on some coldsore meds (I love how you always get those when you want - and need - them least of all) and Clay turned to me and said he had always thought that Heavenly Father loved us less than Jesus because Jesus was the only one of His children that He referred to as His Beloved.
I was not exactly prepared for this remark, especially considering the circumstances. But before I even had a chance to form a reply he said that in Primary, his teacher had explained that Heavenly Father is the Father of our spirits but not the father of our bodies - that would be Joe, he pointed out. But Heavenly Father is both the Father of Jesus's spirit and His body, that is why He is Heavenly Father's Beloved. Not because He has more love for Him than for any of us.

To be entirely honest I don't think this entire conversation or question had ever, up to this point, crossed my mind. I never questioned God's love and I don't know that I would have been able to explain, so simply and yet so perfectly, what Clay's primary teacher did. Clay not only understood what the teacher said, but it seemed to put to rest any concerns he may have previously had about how much he was personally loved by his Father in Heaven.

I have to say I am so very, very grateful for the all those who work so diligently to magnify their callings. My children have so many people to look up to and have been influenced for the better by so many of our friends and if that isn't a blessed life, I don't know what is.

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