Actually, Clay was just making the face because he wanted to scare Jack (who has a very SERIOUS fear of bugs and all creeping things)...
I got a good laugh though when Clay tried to get the thing off his ear. Dragonflies, it seems, have an excellent grip that rivals the strength of small children and whip lash.
In other news...Joe had a Convention in Vegas last weekend with a bunch of Doctors and I got to fly down for a day to be his wing-man (a big thanks here for my brother Ben and his wife, Karin, for watching the kids, although I'm pretty sure neither of them read my blog. I still love them and appreciate them)! We had an excellent dinner Friday night and while he got to sit in a cold hotel room all day long, I got to read by the pool...in the sun...ahhhhhh...(I must note that I did spend four hours in the morning doing computer work for Joe on my laptop in the hotel, because I'm a good wife and all that stuff).
It was really great to drive home with him and talk without having to raise our voices in a futile attempt to drown out the children (because we're good parents). Actually, I missed them so much I made Joe leave right after his convention ended and wouldn't even let him see a show (bad wife, good mother). It was my first overnight separation from Max and harder than I thought it would be. I'm not entirely sure how I'll survive two weeks in Paris, but I suppose this was a vital step in the weening process. I can do this.
I've been running and training for another half marathon. I haven't signed up for it yet because I'm hoping to get injured so I don't actually have to do it...is that bad? I had to buy new running shoes because mine were toast...seriously. Note to self, running shoes should not be worn for over five years, especially if you actually do run in them...oops.
Jacko is going potty all by himself these days! Glorious, glorious days...
Ali's last day of preschool is tomorrow. She'll be in kindergarten this fall, still trying to digest that.
Quin had to get new glasses. He's at -2 in both eyes now. We decided to get him checked again when we noticed he was sitting two feet from the projector screen in Joe's office because he "couldn't see". Yikes!!
Max is working on his walking skills. He pulls himself up onto anything and everything. Last week Clay brought him to me and said I needed to keep a better eye on him. I asked why and he said, "Because I found him standing up to the toilet swishing his hands in it...and there was poop in it!" Ummm, GAG ME!!! Clay wasn't laughing for long because he got the privilege of taking Max up and showering with him while I got to clean the bathroom. Yuck. We have a closed door policy in place now...strictly enforced.
I love your updates. :) Life with the Ence's is a happy life. :) Paris is coming soon... how exciting!
That dragonfly picture is killing me! It looks like it's really getting him!
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