Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Livin'

Max on the phone with Gma...networking is everything...

You know how you always tell yourself, "I'll have time to do _____ when things calm down." Ya, well things never calm down, slow down or get easier! I've come to the conclusion that things simply change. The dynamic in your family changes, the schedule changes, whatever - but life in general never really gets 'easier'.

I remember leaving for Idaho with my sister, her baby was just a couple weeks old and I was still pregnant with Max. We had the car loaded, I told the kids to get buckled in and I was ready to hit the road...unfortunately, Maggi still had to feed the baby one last time, make sure his bum was clean and get all of the bubbles out so he wouldn't puke in the car on the way there. I looked at her and said, "Oh no! That is going to be me in a few more months!" I had forgotten how much extra time a new baby takes. They always puke all over their clothes (and you) just as you're walking out the door or need to eat while you're at the grocery store. It takes at least 15 more minutes to get yourself and everyone loaded into the car, just by adding that one little person into the equation!

So, even though I am SUPER grateful Max is here, I do long for those seemingly more simple days when I could be out the door with 5 minutes notice. The funny thing is, what is difficult while they are two months, isn't much of an issue when they're two years. When they're two years you have to deal with tantrums at the grocery store and explosively, nasty smelling diapers that make you gag. When they're four diapers aren't usually a problem and most tantrums can be avoided, but in their place you get to deal with truckloads of attitude, back-talking and their absolute refusal to wear anything you pick out (which usually leaves you as the parent of 'that kid' who looks like they are perpetually dressed as a clown)...and on and on it goes...

So, when my kids are 18, 16, 14, 12 and 10, I will be dealing with an entirely different set of issues. Diapers will no longer be an issue, affording my monthly grocery bill will definitely be an issue.

Life is always about change and change doesn't have to always be a bad thing. My life is definitely different now that Max is here, it couldn't possibly have stayed the same. However, there are so many benefits that have come with him I can't say I'm very sad to say goodbye to the old way of things.

I am really enjoying all of the awesome snuggling I get to do with Max (all that boy does is eat and sleep and I LOVE it). Clay is turning out to be the BEST helper. He changes diapers (as long as they aren't big poopy ones - he does have limits), he comes and gets Max from me every morning (without asking) and cares for him while I get ready and NO ONE can put that baby to sleep better than Clay...he's got a magic touch. Quin has really taken Ali under his wing the last few weeks. He spends a lot more time playing games with her and entertaining her to keep her out from under foot. Quin has also become my number one helper with laundry and cooking. He's always very willing to help out in the kitchen and gets immense satisfaction helping me make food and fun treats. I'd like to say Ali and Jack were the best of friends, but for now they are more like Jekyll and Hyde - when one is Jekyll the other is's constant insanity. Ali is thriving in school though and I am convinced the social outlet has been very good for her. Jack is still turning on the charm. As long as that boy get himself a nap every day, he can be extremely delightful.

I suppose our biggest challenge in life is to find satisfaction and joy in whatever situation we find ourselves in. Tomorrow things will always be different.


Gary and Mauri said...

very well put!

BECKY said...

You are awesome. This post is seriously what life is all about. Again, you are awesome. And I'm proud of Max for already chatting with Grandma. :)

Alli said...

I had a dream you told me you were pregnant. :D I love this post, your kids are so sweet.