Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TAG, You're It!!!

Hate to do it, but I've got nothing else to post today! So, sit back and enjoy reading all about me...or fake it, that works to!

The rules are that I tell 7 interesting/weird facts about myself and then pass it on to 7 other people.

1. I am super anal. Things have to be organized and neat. If you don't believe me, reference the pictures below of my storage rooms...super anal.

2. I didn't win a first place trophy until I was 28 years old...and it just happened to be in karate! Who would have thought?!

3. I took two semesters of Sewing in High School. This has perpetuated a love of quilting. I have made several wall quilts that will (when my walls are painted) be displayed thereon.

4. I am a certified sailor. Joe and I took a week long sailing course in August. It was very interesting and a LOT of hard work, definitely NOT vacation material. Feels good to have accomplished though...

5. I love cooking as long as I don't have to clean up...I hate doing clean up because it turns a one hour meal into a three hour production. There is one exception, however, and that is desserts. I LOVE to make desserts, no strings attached.

6. I'm a binger. I find a new hobby (reading, quilting, needlepoint, running, etc...) and I can't do anything else for weeks or months. Then, I stop and don't do it again for months or years. When I do start again, the cycle repeats. I'm working very hard on learning moderation.

7. I love doing laundry. It's very soothing and helps calm me down when I get stressed out. I won't start laundry unless I'm planning on being home all day because I don't like it to sit in the stinks if it's in the washer too long and it gets wrinkled if it sits in the dryer. Laundry is typically a 'one day, all day' event at my house.

I tag seven people who will actually do know who you are, I don't!

FYI: I had to think really hard to come up with these...I could have rattled off seven things about any one of the six other people in this house, no problem. Self reflection is apparently something I struggle with...


MiandMiksmom said...

This was fun to are so cool! :) You've done so many amazing things as a mom...especially with four kids.

On the laundry note: I was just like you but I had a cousin with six kids tell me that every single day she threw at least one load into the laundry so the main laundry days aren't so hectic (the towels and bedding days) and I've taken her advice ever since and it makes it so much easier!

Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

Thanks for giving in....I never know who to tag. It took me forever to find 7 things also. It sounds like you have a busy life. Too bad we don't live closer, I'd let you do my laundry!!!!J/K

BECKY said...

I love laundry too!

And I'm super anal too! But you already know that... ;)