Saturday, November 08, 2008

What's with the Shoes?

Ali and Jack have both had serious shoe fetishes. I'm not sure where they get it from, but they both LOVE to wear shoes...anyones shoes!

The other day, while I was getting the boys ready for school, Jack found a pair of Quin's dirty socks on the floor. He brought them to me, and because I was too preoccupied with getting the boys out the door, I humored him and put them on. A few minutes later he came back looking like this:

(Sorry, you have to see them all, I couldn't decide which I liked best...)

That's my boy (who looks like a girl)! Apparently Ali did a great job of putting her church shoes away. It's a fabulous little ensemble...almost as nice as the jeans, no shirt and pink jacket (Ali also 'forgot' to put away) that I found Jack wearing yesterday. Well, I never claimed to be very fashionable, apparently my children aren't either...or are they?!?!?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hey, Grant put mascara on himself yesterday - so I guess we have a couple of cross-dressers. Although Grant's mascara job wasn't very pretty - he looked like someone from the band Kiss.