Saturday, November 15, 2008

POTTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Ali is potty training!!!!!!!


I just can't even begin to express my overwhelming sense of joy when I think my (nearly four year old) daughter has FINALLY decided to wear big girl panties, and not pee/poop in them.

I have been working on this, on and off, for the past year. She has known how to use the potty for over a year, but has 'chosen' not to do it because, well when you can have someone else do the dirty work, why bother doing it yourself!?!?! However, after numerous threats of remaining in nursery with Jack until she was sixteen and never being able to attend preschool, she has finally relented and decided she would join her panty wearing peers.

We have now made it almost a week, with only a small handful of accidents...usually when she's preoccupied with some very engrossing task. On the whole, not too bad. We have been able to go out shopping, to church and to bed without wearing a pull-up or having an accident several times....I am extremely optimistic!

Of course no good news comes without some bad news. Jack has now decided that since his older sister can dispose of her diapers, he can to. I have come into his room on several occasions (usually first thing in the morning or right after his nap) and found a dirty diaper thrown carelessly on his floor and my darling son standing, very pleased, in his crib with a nude backside. This is not nearly as traumatic when he has only wet his diaper, much more so, however, when he has pooped in his diaper... Needless to say, we've been doing a lot of laundry lately...

It is great to see him showing interest in the toilet, very much unlike his older sister, and I am hopeful that he will decide to potty train in a reasonable amount of time. If anyone goes into the bathroom Jack will follow them in and proceed to remove his pants and diaper. I haven't seen him actually pee or poop in the potty, but he sure loves to sit up on it and try! In the meantime, however, I believe I'll be investing in several large rolls of duck tape...


Julie said...

Yea for Ali! You crack me up with your description of the events! Thanks for sharing :)

King Family said...

Yeah for you and Ali!