Monday, October 20, 2008

Flower Girls and The Evil Eye...

October 11th was Joe's brother's wedding. We drove down to Lehi and helped set things up. Ali got to be one of the flower girls and I think she looked adorable in her outfit.

Ali was very excited and did a great job practicing in the hallway. Things went a bit awry, however, when the ceremony actually started...

As Ali was walking down the isle, she was 'setting' the flower petals on the ground instead of just dropping them (which is really quite considerate). It made everyone smile and giggle and some even laughed...this was not good. Ali was so embarrassed by the laughing she stopped moving and started scowling at everyone. One of her older cousins had to PUSH her down the isle! She stood, just as she'd been asked, at the top of the isle with her basket, but she gave everyone the evil eye during the rest of the wedding! It was rather amusing, and I would have been more worried about it if the other flower girl hadn't left during the ceremony to use the potty! What more can one expect from a pair of three year olds!

The wedding was beautiful though and it was great to spend time with family and see old friends. We were glad to be able to be there and support Dan and Kim on their big day!

The family picture was a bit blurry, but the kids looked cute!


King Family said...

I love the picture of the girls looking at each other like they are conspiring to do something.

Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

The picture of your family is absolutely adorable. By the way, I love your shoes!:) It is fun to see how your life has changed since high school. you are just as beautiful as you were back then. can you believe that we are almost 30? Time flies..

BECKY said...

She DID look adorable! Please post a pic of Dan and Kim!!

And congrats on the new house... it sounds like you are just moving right along!

brownbears said...

Your family is so beautiful...I especially can't believe how old Clayton is now. How time passes since the good old Capital Hill days. How was your transition to three? We're counting the days for baby #3-November 12th. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. Really. But when oh when are the pictures of the new house coming??? I keep checking and checking and NOTHING. And where the heck are you anyway? In Bountiful? Details PAHLEASE.


Justin and kids said...

I'm confused, where's the pictures of Dan and Kim?