That is probably one of the best descriptive words I can find to describe my feelings about the adoption process...pure agony.
Some of you may, or may not, know that I have been watching a little boy named Will off and on since October of 2007. He is just two months older than Ali and they have been very good playmates. I know I've posted a million pictures of him over the past year and he has participated in numerous family adventures with us.
In June we discovered the potential for Will to be adopted. We were ecstatic about the prospect of Joe's sister, Heidi and her husband, Paul, adopting Will. Understandably, however, his family was not as excited about the prospect of him moving to MA.
We continued to pursue the possibility and after several weeks of 'loving persuasion' (for lack of a better description) they consented to the possibility of allowing Paul and Heidi to adopt Will.
Long story short, after several legal inquires, trips back and forth from MA to UT and UT to MA, several sleepless nights and five delightful photo albums...Paul and Heidi have been granted custody of Will, with an adoption date set for March 3, 2009!
This has been such a difficult process, one I think I'd like not to repeat, and yet the rewards have exceeded any expectation! He is such a joy and they are so excited about the prospect of loving, caring and smothering him with affection! I truly feel as though every member of our family, immediate & extended, has benefited in some way from this experience. It has been a wonderful, and at times exasperating, experience. I have had numerous highs and as many lows, but it has been worth every penny spent and every second of invested time.
The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways...I never would have guessed I'd be a part of something so amazing.
I also have to include our latest family picture. This picture is the first time, since Joe and I were married almost 9 years ago, all the Ence siblings were together with their families. The only person missing is Alex, the eldest grandchild serving a mission in Canada. Their are two babies on the way, but not bad to have everyone together, at least for now!
I obviously dont know your brother and sister-in-law, but I am so happy for them! Will came over to my house a few times with Connie for visiting teaching (She was babysitting here and there for them), and he seemed like such a wonderful boy! Congrats to them!
What a neat story! I didn't realize he wasn't already a seems he's already part of the family!
I love the new family photo!
So that is like super huge family now. Looks like everyone is super happy!
I love your new family picture - Cute!
We are sooooo excited for Heidi, Paul, Will and the family. We know that Will belongs with them after having Will in our home and how he loves them. What a wonderful answer to many, many, many prayers.
OH MY GOSH!!! I read a note about Will in the top post and had to scroll down to see if there was more info. I was SO THRILLED to hear that it happened! You put SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much work into that adoption and you deserve the hugest congratulations EVER!!!!!!!! I got tingles reading that it had happened. You are awesome. I love you. Oh my gosh, what great news. I don't even know what to say!
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