I finished mowing the other half of the field with the old tractor. It was POURING rain shortly after I began and I was pretty soaked! The seat would collect water in it and then when I would start going down hill it would all splash up against my backside...very, very cold water!
Saturday afternoon began our Sailing education. We drove to Jamestown, RI and met with our instructor and the two other individuals taking the class with us. They were two older gentlemen, very nice guys who were very similar to Joe in personality...imagine that!
This is Joe and I in Jamestown our first night. We were able to go ashore and eat dinner and walk around.
I took this picture while we were riding on the launch back to the boat that night. The moon was so full and the reflection on the water was magical! You can see the lights from the town of Newport in the distance.
These are pictures of us in Newport on Monday. We anchored in Dutch Harbor Sunday night and then came around the northern part of Connanicut Island Monday and anchored in Newport that night. We took a launch into town for dinner and did some window shopping.
After leaving Newport, we took our longest trip to Block Island, RI. We had favorable winds (Northern winds instead of the usual Southern winds) and were able to travel over 25 NM to the island...it was a VERY long day of sailing! (FYI. One Nautical Mile takes about ten minutes to sail going 6 knots...we averaged about that, sometimes sailing over 8 knots, other times going only around 4, depending on the wind.)
Our next stop was Point Judith Refuge. It is half way between Block Island and Connanicut Island. It was a really nice, quiet spot. We anchored with only two other boats...nice!
Our last night we anchored in Potter's Cove. It was just around the bend from our mooring in the Jamestown harbor. We took the dinghy to shore after dinner that night and walked just over a mile into Jamestown for ice cream. It was a great walk and a nice night to be out. On our walk back I took this picture of the moon...it was so bright and so red! It was really beautiful!
Overall we had a great time. I wouldn't call it much of a vacation (well, it was a vacation from the children) it was some of the most intensive learning I've ever done. We took three tests, over 337 questions total, and we spent from 9am every morning until noon or one sitting on the boat listening to lectures. We were given homework almost every night and we did a lot of flashcards and memorizing...it was crazy! I've been out of school for a very long time and it required a lot of brain work. My highlights were getting a 100% on the first test, walking through Block Island with Joe and getting my certification! Three classes completed and we're pretty darn happy about it! I don't know that I would sign up for something like that again, knowing what I know now, but I am really glad I did it...it feels pretty darn good!
That is so cool! What a fun and interesting thing to do! BTW, I love your hair dark! You look so cute in the pictures!
Love the pictures! Glad you had a nice time.
This was pretty much the most fantastic travelog ever! I loved the play-by-play. And holy cow I totally wish I could have experienced the moon on the water like that... INCREDIBLE!
looks like such a great trip! You guys always look like you have so much dang fun!
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