Friday, July 18, 2008


I just wanted to post about how wonderfully amazing I am....ok, so that's a lie, but it sounded really great in my head! I actually just wanted to take this opportunity to brag a little about my most recent accomplishment. I had my first belt test at Karate on Monday and I earned my Yellow Belt!!! Woo Hoo!!! (I understand this may not seem like much of an accomplishment when you consider my five year old is an orange belt and my seven year old is a purple belt, but hey, I just started and I'm much older and not nearly as energetic or athletic...I'm OLD people, you can't expect a miracle!! I'm going to need some serious time for that...)

I have really started to enjoy going though and I am excited to progress and continue learning. It is something I would definitely recommend. I'm hoping to get a bit of my flexibility back before I cripple and become more brittle...I got a long way to go...

I'm also excited because I've lost two pounds since I started karate! YA!!!!! Can't beat that! I'm hoping to tone up a bit more before Joe and I leave on our week long sailing trip in August. I need to look HOT in my two piece!! ;) Wish me luck (I'm going to need it)!

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