Here are the highlights of the past few months:

Jack had his 4th birthday...hard to believe he's that old already. He requested a chocolate cake with white frosting. It was very delicious...sort of a texas sheet cake with vanilla frosting. Jack is enjoying preschool, everyone is still his friend and life is generally rosy and wonderful for Jack.

Clay and Quin had another piano recital. They both did really well. They had their songs memorized and played really well. I am really proud of their hard work and practice. They are good kids.

Quin had his 'Great to Be Baptized' program, where his class got to go to the stake center and see the font and learn about baptism. The primary counselor over baptism is also President Uchtdorf's daughter and he came, I believe, because he'd never participated in one before. He spoke to the kids and then asked if he could have his picture taken with the baptismal candidates...very cool stuff. He is an excellent speaker and Quin was pretty excited to go into the font and 'practice'.

Quin on his baptism day. It was one of those days that you are so grateful to have done because everything that can go wrong - WILL go wrong. We had a toilet flood over and flood down into another bathroom, oh and also into my china cabinet. Quin lost his glasses that I had just spent a small fortune to have fixed. A bottle of grape juice was spilt all over the kitchen while we tried to prepare food for our family and friends and it decided to DUMP snow on all of us...all day. Even with all of the extra chaos and trouble, it was so nice to listen to my dad and Joe's parents speak to Quin about Baptism and the Holy Ghost. It was really great to be with our family and friends and feel of the sweet spirit that was there that day. Afterwards we enjoyed great food and great company, which made all of the craziness before hand completely worth it. We are so proud of Quin and the decision he made to be baptized. He is a great boy and we are very lucky to have him in our family.
Clay has turned 10, joined Webelos and begun a new sport - Lacrosse! He is loving his team and his coaches are excellent. He will be having his first game soon, but he is practicing hard and although he worries he isn't ready, I think he will do just fine. I know he is getting some really great training so that if he chooses to continue to play lacrosse as he gets older, he will have mastered the skills necessary to play really well.
Ali is still dancing her little heart out. She is practicing to be a pumpking in the upcoming performance of Cinderella...could be interesting! She is such a girly girl and is very impatiently counting down the days when she will no longer be 'boy trapped', as she puts it. She can't wait for a new little sister (and quite frankly, neither can I).
Joe is still busy with work, not much new there. He is playing a lot more ping pong, which he really enjoys.
I am so very tired of being pregnant and can't wait to be done! She is getting big, and so am I...people are already asking if I am having more than one baby. So sad. The kids are great though and we are about as ready as we can be for the new one to arrive. Life is good. I am a terrible blogger. Here's hoping I get better not worse!!!
i love hearing updates from you!
I can't believe how old all of your kids are getting! It probably wouldn't be quite a shock if I actually came and visited once in awhile. Us and our crazy lives! We do need to get together though...someday. :)
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