After church, Joe and the boys decide to go out back and walk down the stream. It sounded like a good idea. When Joe busted through the garage door and the first words out of his mouth were, "Audri, we have a problem!", I changed my mind.
Quin was bleeding from his chin, it appeared to be nothing more than a bad scratch. He had been walking back up the stream and tripped over a rock. He tried to catch himself on his hands, but it was slippery and he hit his face against a rock. After getting the blood to stop on Quin's chin, Joe took a look inside his mouth...unfortunately for Quin, Joe was able to see outside of Quin's mouth from inside of it...gag.
Joe took Quin up to Primaries to get stitches. Four stitches on the outside, but they left the hamburger on the inside (apparently they only stitch the inside if you can fit three cheerios through the hole, Quin's could only fit one cheerio).
So, he is dealing very well with all of this. He has to rinse his mouth out with a syringe after every meal until it's healed and put antibiotic ointment on it for a week. If he doesn't want a white scar they said he needs to have sunscreen put on it three times a day for the next year...not sure I will be able to remember that...
Anyhow, here is a photo of the outside of his mouth. It doesn't look that bad, even the doctor who saw him at Primaries said it didn't look bad (until Quin opened his mouth and showed her the inside...all she could respond was, "Oh!").
This is a pic of the inside, I was feeling bad and didn't want to pull down on it very hard, so the picture doesn't look nearly as gruesome as the pic Joe got on his phone...I may be able to add that later, but you get the basic idea. It really did look like ground gross.
This is the inside this morning. It is already looking a lot better, starting to come together at any rate. Hopefully it will heal quickly and he'll be back to his normal self again soon!!!

Yikes! I wish him a speedy recovery!
ouch! When Rylee cut her nose open last year they told me to put sunscreen on it everyday for a year, I have not remembered, except of course, when I am already putting sunscreen on her because she is in the sun, etc...anyway, it looks not too bad....but I wonder what it will look like in a few years! I am the worst at remembering those types of things!
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