Saturday, February 27, 2010

Project Complete...

I got this pattern a while ago and was pretty excited to try it out, but because of one thing or another...I only just got it done.

I have a few other fabric combination's I want to try out. The pattern is SUPER easy and made up rather quickly.

Ali refused to model the dress for me, but agreed to wear it to church tomorrow. So, my model shall remain nameless, and faceless, to preserve his fathers pride, until he's old enough to be equally embarrassed by the pictures that show his face!


Phillip and Maggi said...

Stinkin Jacko!! O how I love that boy and please I could recognize those stubby legs anywhere.

Love it. Next you can make me one!

michelle said...

So impressed with your talents. Would you ever make any to sell?

Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

Hey so I love this skirt..where did you get the pattern from?? Very are one talented Lady:)

WX Ences said...

Michelle - I don't mind making things for people to buy...I just worry they won't like it once they get it (buyers remorse). I do enjoy making things for friends though. If you're interested, let me know.

Amber - I got it from a little quilt shop here in SLC called Quilter's Haven. They're fabulous. I'm pretty sure if you have any sewing experience you wouldn't need the pattern. Email me and I'll give you the sellers info off the pattern.

BECKY said...

VERY cute fabric combo!!! Can't wait to see a little GIRL in it. :)

Heidi said...

I am impressed with your mad skills! Way cute! Love the stories about Ali too. Hope your ear gets feeling better soon!