Thursday, February 25, 2010

Advice for the day...

When dealing with extended family, avoid doing a good WILL bite you in the butt.

Ok, so I know that isn't always true, it sure feels like it sometimes. Ugghhh...

I got an ear infection over the weekend. It hurt SOOOO bad. I started antibiotics on Monday and it is still bugging me...bad. It isn't sharp pain anymore, but it is still ringing (which can I just say is SUPER sounds like a bee got stuck in my ear). I feel like someone shoved cotton between my ears and my nose won't stop running. I have a really hard time hearing when people are talking to me, even on the phone. I keep having to ask people to repeat themselves. Blah. If this is what an ear infection does to little people, I feel like a bad mom. I will most definitely be more empathetic when my children suffer from ear fun.

I miss Joe. He is out of town again this week...ugh. Oh, and it snowed today. I had to shovel another 3 inches out of the driveway and it was the super wet, heavy stuff.

Crummy, crummy day...


BECKY said...

:( I hope you feel better super soon. I don't remember what ear infections feel like either... but holy cow, OUCH!!! I hope Joe is home super soon.

Phillip and Maggi said...

O Aud why do we all have bad weeks at once? I feel your pain, I really do. I hope the ear feels better soon, as for family just pick the ones you do nice things for and remember some people don't appreciate anything... I miss you like crazy and wish I was still close so we could hang out while Joe was gone. Someday we will be back... Some glorious day...