Monday, January 05, 2009

Number 5 on the way...

Just before Thanksgiving Joe and I found out we were expecting kiddo number five! I felt pretty darn good until Christmas Eve. I started throwing up that morning and have been severely nauseous since then. I can go two or three days without throwing up, but then spend an entire day or two in front of the toilet. It's very sad. Today was one of those bad days. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep away the pain, which of course does NOT help, but I'm nearing 11 weeks and am hoping to be over the worst of it by the end of the month.

We're expecting to deliver the very end of July. I've got another Doctors visit scheduled in two weeks and I'm hoping to hear the heart beat. The ultrasound will probably be in February some time (however, if I get the chance to find out what it is with Joe's ultrasound machine before then, I'll let you know).

I've almost convinced myself that I want triplets this time around. My reasoning for feeling this way is perhaps not entirely sound (I am, after all, very pregnant and not of sound mind or body), but I've decided the beginning months of pregnancy are WAY more difficult than I remembered them being and I'd rather have my last three children all at once so I'll never have to be pregnant again. The plan gets a bit more sketchy when I get to thinking about the delivery and taking care of THREE new babies...probably not much of a picnic. I do stand by my decision though...triplets would be much nicer than three separate pregnancies. Oh well, not much I can do at this point to change what I've already got, so I'll be happy with whatever is in there and hope I begin feeling better soon!


Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

How exciting!!!! I know what you mean about being prego in the first few months. After having two easy pregnancies......I never expected to be so miserable with my third. Hopefully like you said at the end of the month things improve:) Wish I lived closer to help out!!!

JoshandMegs said...

Congratulations!! That is awesome. I think you're crazy for wanting triplets though, ha. However my whole life I always wanted twins...until I had a baby and I realized "how on earth would I do it!".
Josh is asleep so I can't wait to tell him; he'll be happy to hear!

King Family said...

Congrats...I knew it was just a matter of time and figured when I saw you were hanging out with the "porcelin goddess" that's probably why.

Em said...

Congratulations, that is very exciting! Hang in there. Hope it gets better.

MiandMiksmom said...

Congratulations!!!! I will be there this summer for my brother's homecoming...maybe in time to see that sweet baby!!!

Julie said...

Congratulations!! I'm very excited for you! I agree with you on the 1 pregnancy for 2 or more babies. I don't think I could handle 3 though. I hope you feel better soon!

BECKY said...

Best, best wishes. So awesome for you guys!

the fellers said...

oh man! COngrats! Ok, so I have set up my blog to follow all the blogs, and let me know when they have updates...well one night I sat there and copy and pasted all the blogs into the system, my eyes started to get blurry, and I was losing track, well, I totally missed putting yours in, and I was just thinking the other day, I havent seen Audri update for a long time...well, duh, cause I am a retard! i am so excited for you guys! Good luck...